Romantic™: Finding True Love

Romantic™: Finding True Love – Applications are now closed. Contact us for more information. 

Tired of failed relationships? Want to find true love? Paradoxically, you’ll find true romantic love from another person only when you first give it to yourself. Learn how to release negative relationships and thought patterns, connect with yourself, and embrace self-love. You will gain more confidence, sexiness, and self-respect. This 13-week online course is tough and not for the faint-hearted. We can assure you though that when you persevere, your true love will find you.

Format: one online lesson per week, including meditation, affirmations, reflection, in-depth exercises, discussions, and Q & A

Duration: 13 weeks

Price: $1111*  


Application: (CLOSED)


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One of the texts for this course, this book helps you figure out how to have healthier romantic relationships